All The Times Boris Johnson Said Something Racist
If you were not aware, Boris Johnson has said quite a few racist things in the past. He still has a job.
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Boris Johnson is once again in the news for comments he’s made that are highly inflammatory and basically just racist.
So, to ensure that no one forgets just what sort of person Boris Johnson is, we’ve put together all the times the former-Foreign Secretary has said or written something which is racist.
Muslim women look ‘like letter boxes’
The comments by Johnson came in his Daily Telegraph column today as he also confirmed he would ask women to lift their face veil if he was speaking to them in his constituency surgery.
Labour MP David Lammy called Johnson ‘a pound-shop Donald Trump’.
Muslim women are having their burkas pulled off by thugs in our streets & Boris Johnson’s response is to mock them for “looking like letter boxes.” Our pound-shop Donald Trump is fanning the flames of Islamophobia to propel his grubby electoral ambitions.
— David Lammy (@DavidLammy) August 6, 2018
Calling Obama ‘part-Kenyan’
After Barack Obama suggested that Britain would be better off remaining in the EU, Johnson became highly animated and criticised the then-President.
Johnson, a top Brexiter and member of the Leave Campaign, called out Obama by saying that he should stay out of the debate because he was “part-Kenyan’ with an ‘ancestral dislike’ for the UK. Obviously, he was widely criticised for being a racist. But he was still made Foreign Secretary, somehow.
Another piece of crass writing from BoJo in his Telegraph column, this time in 2002.
He wrote that the Commonwealth countries were filled with ‘cheering crowds of flag-waving piccaninnies’ when the Queen visited them on her tours.
Piccaninnies is a derogatory term used to describe small black children.
‘Watermelon smiles’
Likewise, in the same piece, Johnson said that the people of Congo would have ‘watermelon smiles’ when then-Prime Minister Tony Blair went to visit.
Watermelons have had a long association with racism towards black people as it bought and sold by free black people following their emancipation from the slave trade in America. It became a symbol for black people and has been used as a racist slur ever since.
How on Earth did The Telegraph editor sign off on those two obviously racist terms?
Attended a ‘dog-whistle racism’ event
Boris attended an event called ‘Keep Havering Safe’ before the local elections in 2017. Leaflets for the event were sent out that were highly inflammatory against London Mayor Sadiq Khan and suggested strong opposition to multi-culturalism.
Former Tory minister Nick Boles called it ‘disgraceful’.
Suggesting black people were stupid
Whilst Editor of The Spectator, Johnson allowed the publication of an article which stated ‘Orientals … have larger brains and higher IQ scores. Blacks are at the other pole.’
Just a quick reminder, Boris Johnson was made Foreign Secretary. Boris Johnson was the Mayor of one of the most ethnically diverse cities in the world. Boris Johnson is still an MP. Boris Johnson is a racist.
The racist poem Donald Trump would be proud of
Donald Trump is fond of racist poems. During his election campaign he read out a poem comparing Syrian refugees to snakes that will attack you if you let them into your home and be pleasant to them. It was about as racist as saying African countries are ‘shitholes’, which Trump also did.
Boris Johnson wasn’t far off that racist-o-meter when he wrote in The Spectator in 2016 about Turkish President Erdoğan:
‘There was a young fellow from Ankara Who was a terrific wankerer. Till he sowed his wild oats With the help of a goat But he didn’t even stop to thankera.’
He said Britain should colonise Africa again and not feel guilty In article for The Sun in 2002, Boris said that ‘The best fate for Africa would be if the old colonial powers [namely Britain and France] … scrambled once again in her direction; … and this time not feel guilty.’
Boris Johnson… the racist.